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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

My new blog address is

Thank you!

Sep 18, 2014

Sept. 18

I’m studying an English grammar book.  I did some questions in the textbook yesterday.  I’m not sure if one of the answers printed is a typo or something.  May I ask you a question?

The question in the textbook was "Write questions using “What do you think …. ?"  

21.5. 7.  The future is uncertain.   (What do you think) ( will happen.) 

My answer:  The future is uncertain.  What do you think IT will happen.
The correct answer on the textbook.  What do you think will happen.

I have a question: the word “IT” can be omitted in this sentence?

RJ tutor's answer:  We don't need to put IT here.  Here are another examples:
What do you think is the best place to visit?
What do you think about the world?
What do you think about before you sleep?
What do you think is the cutest animal?


(For our lesson on Saturday, Sept. 20, would you please help me below ?)

Exercise 17.11

I'm surprised you weren't told that the road was dangerous.  You should have been warned about it.

My opinion is that when we use the verb "warn" in the sentence,
it should be "you should have warned," instead of
"you should have been warned, "   <--- Why is the passive voice?

According to my dictionary (Wisdom English - Japanese Dictionary), there is an example:

warned my parents I would be coming home late.  <--- Here's not the passive voice.

After RJ's tutors explanation, I understood the situation.  I mistook the sentence.  I, the subject, was not the passenger.  You were the passenger who came across the dangerous road.  The police or someone must have warned you before crossing the road. 

Unit 26.3.4.  Could (do() and Could have (done)

A:  How was your test?  Was it hard?
B: It wasn't so bad.  It could have been worse.  <--- Please translate it into another expression?)

My opinion:  I think the exam was easy and I did it great??

Another sentence.

We had a really good vacation.  It couldn't have been better.

My opinion: I fully satisfied with the vacation?? 


A RJ tutor gave me good examples for showing "could have been worse / better."
Yeah, it could have been worse if I didn't take lessons at RareJob ... because I don't have a lot of time to practice in a regular English school.

Yeah, but it could have been better if I took lessons at a regular English school ... because right now I can only study online at RareJob.