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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

My new blog address is

Thank you!

May 25, 2014

May 25

I read the article below from the Breaking News English.

Childcare fees higher than housing costs in UK.

I understood the article and discussed the subject with another Rarejob tutor yesterday, but I was not able to express my opinion clearly in English.

So, I would like to write about my thoughts here.  Please make corrections to them.

1.  Our situation is the same in Japan. 
2.  Raising children is not very attractive to Japanese young couples nowadays because it costs them a lot. 
3. We are expecting that there will be more aged people in the near future, it means that young people who can work and pay taxes to support the aged people would be reduced.   
4. Japanese government should consider some measures for young couples so that they keep Japanese population at a certain level. 
5. In my opinion, tax exemption to young couples who are raising their children is one of the choices.  And offering nurseries in a cheaper price may allow young mothers to work in daytime.

6. I also think that the Japanese traditional thinking of making women stay at home to take care of the house is obsolete

7.  Japanese government and people should provide an opportunity for women so that they want to work, they could pursue their career. 

8.  In addition to that Japanese government should consider some ways to loosen visa requirements to accept more foreign workers in the future.  
9.  If someone wants to working for Japanese companies, we should welcome them.

10.  One example is that as I am working as a caregiver, I noticed that the profession of caregiver is less popular and there are always help ads in the newspapers. 
11.  Japanese government has been asking Filipino and Indonesian nurses to come to Japan and work for hospitals and homes for elderlies.   
12.  They are actually helping us; however, Japanese current law states that they must go back to their countries unless they pass the Japanese caregivers exam within 4 years stay.   
13.  It seems very difficult for them to pass the exam which is written Japanese language.  They are working full time and master Japanese alphabet at the same time.

14.  I think it is terrible because we ask them for help, and we ask them to go back to their country at the same time.

15.  As long as they are helping us in their working places, the Japanese government should offer them some measures to expand their visas.   

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