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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

My new blog address is

Thank you!

Oct 9, 2013

My condition

  1. 10:00 a.m.-, Wednesday, 9th, October, 2013
  2. .
  3. Dearest Rare Job teacher,
  4. .
  5. I am having hard days to do my self introduction and expain my physical condition to Rare Job teachers.   So I would like to practice below for our lesson today.
  6. In the beginning of our lesson, I would like to read this article (sentence No. 12 to 25) to you. 
  7. Then I would like you to make corrections for my grammatical mistakes and words choices.
  8. Thank you!
  9. .
  10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. I am a housewife aged 47 who enrolled in Rarejob on August 28, 2013.  I have been enjoying online English lessons since then.
  12. I married at 40, and we don't have children.
  13. I have worked as a clerk in different import and export businesses in Tokyo for 20 years.  I prepared various business documents in English. 
  14. One of my experiences is to work , I worked for a Canadian company.  I worked in their Japan office as a correspondent.  I think that was the best work experience I had in all my working years.  I enjoyed working there best for all of my working experiences. 
  15. I moved here in Hyogo Prefecture because I married my husband who is a native to of  Hyogo.
  16. As I live in the a countryside now, it seems to be very difficult to find a job related to my experiences.
  17. In These years, many people are getting older in Japan, and there are many job openings for caregivers in elderly homes all around Japan.
  18. In fact, Actually I noticed there are many jobs openings just around in my neighborhood.
  19. So, I decided to study as become a caregiver trainee, and I finished it three months' lessons  three months in 2011.
  20. At the end of the year end, I got took my the licence as a caregiver trainee.  And currently, I now hold a caregiver trainee license. 
  21. From 2012, I started working as a caregiver trainee in an elderly home in my neighborhood in July 2012.
  22. I worked only 4 hours for five days a week.
  23. I enjoyed working there, however, my physical condition gradually declined went wrong from the hard work.   Last May, I felt a keen and sudden pain on in the my right side of my abdomen so suddenly, and.  I thought I could not perform the chair-to-bed transfer as a caregiver at that time, so I did not do it.   (I added the sentence--->)  I felt sorry to my colleagues.
  24. So the next morning, I rushed to the a hospital, and was diagnosed with as ileocecal diverticulitis.  They took my body temperature and it was 38 degrees, measured my blood pressure and it was 150/78, took some of my blood, CT scanned, had my echo done.  I was immediately hospitalized for a week.  It was my first experience to be hospitalized and I was really shocked.  But the worst part was, I was told not to eat for 5 days by from my surgeon.  I felt was always so hungry because I took nutrition only by drop infusion.s for 24 hours during the period.
  25. Here is another story.
  26. As I am getting older, I experience have pre-menopausal symptoms.  I have been going through the changes for the last five years.
  27. I feel irritated about everything, so I go have been to a small clinic nearby run by a doctor who practices and prescribes physician whose specialty is Chinese herbal medicine for these years.
  28. He prescribes some herbal medicine to me, and I take them two times a day.  After 30 minutes or so, I feel relaxed and feel better. 
  29. When I went to the clinic some months ago, I told my doctor about my work at the elderly home.
  30. Since he knew my physical condition, he recommend that I do not do that kind of work.  It requires too much physical activity compared with my condition.  He says I need a good rest whenever I can.
  31. Since As he knew has a knowledge of my physical condition for these years, he suggested to me that he doesn't recommend that I do not do that kind of work.  It requires too much physical activity ability compared with my condition.  He says I need a good rest whenever I can. take a good rest whenever I meet him.
  32. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. Lesson feedback on Thursday, 10th, October, 2013
  34. synthetic     
  35. Synthetic products are made from chemicals or artificial substances rather than from natural ones.
  36. Japanese medical circumstances  ------------------------------------------------------
  37. hospital .... medical doctors and nurses / some beds for patients.
  38. clinic ........ a medical doctor (medical doctors) and nurses / no beds for patients.
  39. physician .... a doctor of medicine, general practitioner
  40. surgeon ....... a doctor who is specially trained to perform surgery.
  41. alternative practitioners .... I think them are the ones what we call such as healers or massage technicians.  In many cases, they require a lot of money for their treatments.
  42. -------------------------------------- 
  43. In Japan, medical doctors are entitled to prescribe Chinese herbal medicines as well as synthetic medicines to their patients.
  44. To my knowledge, medical doctors are not required necessary to study Chinese herbal medicines. to get their medical licence.   
  45. We can search some medical doctors who has the special knowlege about of Chinese herbal medicines.   They could be one or two in your city, which you can search by Internet nowadays.  in the neighborhood by Internet nowadays.
  46. The following is my prescription. 
                                           Picture No. 1  My prescription for 3 weeks
Picture No. 2  Each day I take two packages for two times with water.
(I took this portion (or dosage) at 3:00 p.m. I will take another portion at 9:00 p.m.)
For Chinese herbal medicine, we genenally take between the meals.
For example, if you have lunch at 12:00 a.m. and you have supper at 6:00 p.m.,
it's better to take the Chinese medicine from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., to make the medicine effective and stronger to your body. 
 Picture No. 3  The powder like medicine is ready to take wherever you are.
(Please compare with the picture No. 7 below.  Thank you!
 Picture No. 4  Pharmaceutical company manufacture their medicine the following way. 
Chinese medicines are made from natural stuff, mostly plants (flowers, stems, leaves, roots, and fruits.)  Sometimes they use animal bones such as horns (or bones above head parts) of deer.   

                                        Picture No. 5 They try to do it more powder like.

            Picture No. 6   A pharmacist is measuring each indigent by scale.                                           

                                                Picture No. 7  Boil the herbal medicine
            Some patients still do the boiling procedure every day. 
It takes 30 minutes or one hour before taking it.

                                            Picture No. 8  We take the watery part.
                                                      (We don't eat the herb part.)

  1. We can take advantage of our health insurance to pay the prescription.
  2. Patients under 65 to pay 30% of the prescription while 70% are paid by health insurance.
  3. Patients over  65 to pay 10% of the prescription while 90% are paid by health insurance.
  4. Now the Japanese government is considering to change the law --- patients over 65 to pay 20% (10%increase) because of the increase of aged citizens.
  5. We can also buy Chinese herbal medicine from some alternative practitioners.  We cannot use our health insurance, so we have to pay much money.  But there are a variety of medicines.  They will choose each small amount of Chinese herbs bit by bit, to exactly fit your condition.
  6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. My husband has the same opinion, and I depend on my husband financially these days.  (corrected)
  8. I thought I liked the work as a caregiver trainee, but I realized it's not good for me to work in the elderly home.
  9. Caregiver trainee job in the elderly home required too much physical work.  They require too much work.  I guess, only younger caregivers or people someone in my generation who used to be athletes can continue working for a longer periods.
  10. In my recent These days, I feel am all right in the morning, but I feel very dull and drowsy in the afternoon.
  11. I take a nap after lunch, which sometimes takes it gets as long as 2 hours.  Being a housewife, requires me I have many things to do many chores, but hardly finish them the chores, so I feel sad sometimes. 
  12. But I figured that my friends who are in the same generation with me also complain about the same things. 
  13. So I am not the only one. 
  14. I am thinking, maybe I can just choose the work that requires me to visit those individual elderlies who need caregivers' help in their own home.  Maybe I can visit those individual elderlies' houses who need caregivers' help.
  15. I imagine that I will may go to one place and work in about one or one and half hours.  Each One in the morning and one in the afternoon, or so.    Total working hours would be just 2 hours or 3 hours  a day.
  16. I'd like also like to polish English by using online lessons.   One of my goals is to get a score of 950 or above in TOEIC.

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