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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

My new blog address is

Thank you!

May 8, 2016

May 3 - Spathiphylum, the foliage plant

Five years ago, I bought a pot of Spathiphylum at a local flower shop.  This is one of the foliage plants which are supposed to be placed indoors.  

I placed it on the window side on the second floor.  As this plant doesn't like too much sunlight, I always put our lace curtains for sun shade.

Spathiphylum is one of the foliage plants. 
I like the white flowers with crescent shape.

I water the plant only once a week, and it grew easily without much attention.  I thought that the location was perfect for the plant.   

Three years ago, I found the plant grew a bit too big for the pot, so I asked my husband, who has a green thumb, to divide the big root.  Then, he planted them in two different pots.  

Last summer, I noticed that one of them grew so big that I needed to water it twice a week.  I usually stay on the first floor and going upstairs to water the plant often was troublesome.  So I decided to try to divide the roots by myself.  I planted them just like the way my husband did.

Last winter, the two plants which I transferred to two different pots didn't look healthy.  Most of the leaves withered.  I cut the brown leaves so that they look better.  

I asked my husband for his advice.  He suggested that I move them to another location with less sun light, so I placed them in the middle of the room. 

Three months have passed and I noticed that they didn't have brown leaves anymore.  They look delicate but young leaves are just staring to grow.  These are signs that they are surviving. 

Last week I placed them on the window side again. 

I learned something from them.  Plants grow when they are taken care of properly.  We should water them regularly.  After a certain period, changing the small pots to bigger ones or dividing the root would be necessary.  However, when we do these things, it makes the plant weaker for a certain period.   

Then they like to be in some places with less sun light for certain period.  I don't know if it's going to be for 10 days or a few months -- it all depends on the kind and size of the plants.  Tend to them regularly.

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