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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

My new blog address is

Thank you!

Mar 12, 2014

For our lesson of Breaking News English (8th March, 2014)

I arranged my sentences for assignment of our next lesson.

1.  lived with

There is always someone who says rude (or unkind words) to for someone, but each employees are supposed to lived with them.   (get along with  / dealing with )

2.  survey

I participate in the daily online survey questionnaires which are surveyed by my credit card company.  By answering the questionaires them, I get some points in to my credit card.  By doing that, I get discount The point helps to discount the items when shopping online.

3.  cyber

We use the Internet more and more these days.  We must be careful so that we won't be victimized by  involved in cyber crimes.  

4.  offence

In general, we should not offence our parents but we proceed our lives by ourselves.
(Not a good idea!  Need to change the sentence completely.)

Pickpocketing some products is a major offence in this area.

5.  proof

I went to our grocery store with a proof that I collected 30 points seals from of a bread company yesterday.

With the exchange of the proof, I was given a shopping bag as an exchange.

The French words "Ca sera trop drole!" means "It will be fun."  

6.  link

I sent you my blog link, so that you can see my updates of daily life living.
7.  safeguard

DoCoMo is one of the Japan's Japanese largest cellphone companies.  They offer safeguards for children's cellphones so that they cannot access adult sites.  no able to look at adult sites.

8. evidence

My husband was offered from some company's for a bouquet for his event a week ago.  In return, my husband sent him a box of cookies yesterday as evidence token of kindness thankfulness.

Evidence is not a proper word in the sentence above.  The word "token" sounds more natural.
Make another different sentence. 

From a sample sentence from Eijiro online dictionary,
I hope you will regard this as evidence of my esteem.

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