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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

My new blog address is

Thank you!

Mar 26, 2014

Eiken Grade 1 (2012-2) Vocabulary tests

(Additional information written on Nov. 22, 2016)

Thanks for someone in the United Kingdom often check this page, so I would like to update some parts.

For the past Eiken Grade 1 test booklet, here are the links.  (PDF file will be opened.  The first page is written in Japanese, but don't get panic.  Please scroll down a little bit to the page 3.  You may see the actual test sheets written in English.  Thank you! )

The latest test which was held on Oct. 9, 2016.

The test sheets for June 12, 2016

The test sheets for Jan. 24, 2016

You may see more by clicking here ------>   Eiken

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The city of Himeji attracts many foreign visitors who want to see its White castle.  If we pass the tourist guide examination, we can work as a Japanese guide to English speakers.  If we pass Eiken 1st grade,  the 1st written part of the guide examination is excused, then we have to pass the 2nd part only.  It sounds very attractive to me.

To pass the Eiken 1st grade level, we have to understand high level of vocabulary (such as 10,000).  I passed the below level, which is pre-1st grade (7,500 words level) two years ago.

We also expect a public speech in the Eiken 1st grade, and listening comprehenstion tests.  RareJob lessons are helpful to improve those skills, I guess.

But sometimes, I feel discouraged because some of the RareJob tutors haven't heard of the test of TOEIC much less Eiken.  They sometimes ask me "what is TOEIC?,"  "what is Eiken?"  It took me a long time to explain all about it to them.

Anyway, I would like to show that what kind of vocabulary test were done by showing a part of the past examination.


Eiken Test 1st Grade (2012-2)  dated 2012.10.14

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.  Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

(1)  The sociologist argued that human beings are ( 1. innately  ) selfish, and that throughout history attempts to cure them of this trait through education had failed.

1. innately  2. nominally  3. lethally  4. belatedly

RareJob tutor's sentence
4.  belatedly - happening or coming very late or too late
ex. I belatedly greeted the newlyweds because I was unable to attend to their wedding.

(2)  Anticipating an early morning attack by rebels, General Vicario sent helicopter gunships to make a ( 2. preemptive ) strike on their camps in the middle of the night.

1.  philanthropic  2. preemptive  3. flippant  4. stagnant

Tutor's sentences
1. Philantrophy - he practice of giving money and time to help make life better for other people

2. preemptive - done to stop an unwanted act by another group, country, etc., from happening
ex. the government strengthened their military force as a preemptive measure to the attack of North Korea.

3. flippant - lacking proper respect or seriousness
ex.  He made/gave a flippant response to a serious question.

4. stagnant - not active, changing, or progressing
ex. He is lazy so he remains stagnant.

(3)  Mark searched the backstreets of Hong Kong for the hostel his friend had recommended, but with no luck.  The network of twisting alleys felt like a (  4. labyrinth   ) with no end.

1.  reverie  2. charade  3. figment  4. labyrinth
1. reverie (pronounciation) reh-veh-rih / 
Tutor's suggestion : (noun) daydream or fantasizes, daydream is something like when I awake
My sentence: I reveried about Tom Cruise.
2. charade = (noun) a guessing game
My sentence:  Let's do some charades for fun to kill time.

3. figment: imaginary figure
My sentence:  Fairies are figment characters.

4. labyrinth = maze
Tutor's suggestion:
My sentence: The art gallery had an exhibition of labyrinth pictures.

(4) The speaker had hoped his comments would enlighten and inspire the audience, but the ( 2. quizzical ) expressions on their faces after his speech told him otherwise.

1.  profound  2. quizzical  3. enraptured  4. exultant

1.  profound = deep
My sentence: He has a profound knowledge of science.

2. quizzical = odd, strange or queer
My sentence: He showed us a quizzical expression on the opinion.

3. enraputred = delighted or captivated
My sentence= He was enraptured over the presents his father gave him during Christmas.

4. exultant =  /ig-ZULT- tnt/ (pronunciation) overjoy, a feeling of success, highly elated, exultant is a product of enraptured
My sentence = When I was exultant to receive the certificate when I finished the caregiver trainee course.

(5)  Although the dictator tried to ( 4. stifle ) any criticism of his policies, protests against him still occurred throughout the country.

1. churn  2. distend  3. flinch  4. stifle

Tutor's suggestion
1. churn =  (verb) violently agitate; (noun) a container for example butter, cream, milk to stir the cream

2. distend = become swollen, or to expand by stretching
When we have injures, our skin becomes swollen.

3. flinch = make a quick movement
Tutor's suggestion: I flinched when I heard the bad news.  = I was very surprised about the news.

4.  stifle = [stahy-fuhl] to end with force
My sentence:  The Second World War was stifled by atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US forces.

(6)  I thought we would never finish the company's annual report on time, but a ( 2. concerted  ) effort by the whole team enabled us to meet the deadline.

1.  demure  2. concerted  3.  predestined  4. lurid

1. demure -  modest and reserved in manner or behavior, similar to shy
2. concerted - planned or accomplished together; combined, collected effort
3. predestined - destined

4. lurid - causing shock or horror, horrible; glowing or shining with the glare of fire through a haze: lurid flames.

(7)  Ryan was ( 2. distraught ) when he missed his flight to Australia, as he knew that he would no longer be able to get to his brother's wedding in time.

1. vindicated  2. distraught  3. rectified  4. enchanted

1. vindicated - to justify or prove the worth of, especially in light of later developments.

2. distraught - [dih-strawt] distracted

3. rectified - to amend

4. enchanted - under a spell; bewitched; magical, similar to surprise

(8)  Jane found herself in quite a ( 1. predicament  ) when she realized she had arranged to meet two different clients for business dinners on the same evening.

1.  predicament  2. premonition  3. rampart  4. rendition

1.  predicament - an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation

2. premonition - an early warning of a future event

3. rampart - means of protection or defense

4. rendition -  a performance of a musical or dramatic work.

 --- Please start our lesson April 3 from below.  Thank you!

(9)  Traditional haiku poems contain a "season word," a term used to (     ) the particular season in which the poem is set.

1. denote  2. provoke  3. ascribe  4. inflect

(10)  As a result of foreign immigration, the city has become a (     ) of different ethnic neighborhoods, each with its own distinctive atmosphere.

1. membrane  2. requiem  3. mosaic 4. reprieve

(11) The history society called a (     ) meeting to approve changes to its constitution.  Every one of its 500 members was asked to attend.

1. plenary  2. covetous  3. desultory  4. surreptitious

(12) Diana became (     ) when the elevator suddenly stopped between floors.  She began yelling for help, terrified she would be unable to get out.

1.  submissive  2. amenable  3. urbane  4. frantic

(13) The famous chef, concerned about the eating habits of the nation's children, is (     ) a campaign to promote healthier food in school cafeterias.

1. downplaying  2. spearheading  3. whitewashing  4. sidestepping

(14) The years leading up to the revolution were some of the most (     ) in the country's history, with frequent demonstrations, riots, and mass arrests.

1. fiscal  2. generic  3. turbulent  4. ecstatic

(15) The student remained calm when the professor criticized his conclusions, but he (     ) at the suggestion he had stolen other authors' work and left the room in anger.

1. dilated  2. bridled  3. prodded  4. chuckled

(16)  Government warplanes conducted an aerial (     ) of the rebel-held town, leaving most of the buildings in ruins.  The rebels surrendered soon after.

1. condiment 2. allusion  3. rendezvous  4. bombardment

(17)  It is clear from Wendy's apartment that she is (     ) about cleaning.  There is no dust anywhere, and everything is always exactly in its place. 

1.  meticulous  2. colloquial  3. delinquent  4. nomadic

(18)  The leader of the new religion said the government's refusal to let him build a place of worship was simple (     ).  He said such a closed-minded attitude had no place in a free society.

1. bigotry  2. empathy  3. fortitude  4. abstinence

(19) An argument over money cause a (     ) between the two friends.  They both refused to apologize, and 10 years passed before they spoke to each other again.

1.  creed  2. rift  3. pier  4. balm

(20)  The mountaineers completed a series of tough high-altitude climbs to (     ) their skills before they attempted to climb Mount Everest.

1. slash  2. chide  3. hone  4. swab

(21)  The company said it will offer (     ) to its customers for accidents caused by the defective product.  It may cost the company millions of dollars in total

1.  ardor  2. lineage  3. debris  4. redress

(22)  The leader of the volunteer group said he was pleased so many local residents had been (     ) to help clean up the city's parks.

1.  pitching in  2. bulking up  3. lashing out  4. flicking through

(23) A: (     ) it, Annette!  We'll never get this sales report done if you don't concentrate.
B: Sorry, Leonard.  I can't stop thinking about tomorrow's performance review.

1.  Get away with  2. Snap out of  3. Go back on  4. Put in for

(24)  At its annual general meeting, the company (     ) its future investment plans so that its shareholders would know what to expect.

1. forked over  2. lapped up  3. laid out  4. hemmed in

(25) Darrel was well behave until his teens.  Unfortunately, he (     ) a bad crowd in high school and was soon getting in trouble with the police.

1. fell in with  2. got down to  3. crept up on  4. bore down on


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. Your written English is excellent. If your oral communication is the same high quality you can become a tourist guide.
    I am currently teaching Eiken (pre-1st) but I cannot seem to find any useful lists of frequently occuring vocabulary. If you know of any I would appreciate it very much if you shared them in a future blog post.

    Thank you, and please keep enjoying English.
    Kevin Sawatzky,
    Yamato, Kanagawa

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for leaving a nice comment about my blog & writing skills. More than 25 years ago, I worked in Yamato, Kanagawa as a factory worker at the Victor Audio Company.

    As for your concern about a list of frequently occurring vocabulary, you may check this book.

    英検準1級語彙・イディオム問題500 (旺文社英検書).

    The book was very helpful to me when I took Eiken Pre-1st five years ago. Many vocabularies from the book were actually used in the test, and I passed the test then.

    What levels are they? What social status do they belong? Why are they interested in taking the exam?

  3. Thank you for the book suggestion, I'll mention it to my student tomorrow. She is a 9 year-old returnee (from England). I'm not sure what you mean by 'social status' in this context, but she is an elementary school student. She'd like to get into a top-notch Jr. high, and then continue up the education ladder.

    By the way, I often walk by the Victor plant near Minami-Rinkan station.

    1. I didn't find anything related to Eiken tests, but have you been to the Breaking News English sites?

      The lesson materials are excellent. I tried the lower level (LEVEL 3) at first. I still need some preparations in advance for the advanced level (LEVEL 6).
