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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

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Thank you!

Mar 23, 2014

What I love about my current work

red letters ... suggested by a tutor
blue letters ... my revision after our lesson this morning

I once tried to write about what I love about online English lessons earlier this month.  However, I was able to write only 3 sentences because I don't have much use of English in my daily life.  What I really need is someone to talk to in English as I usually stay at home alone for 12 hours on weekdays. 

I checked with the local job placement office in Himeji.  One officer told me that he hasn't heard of any local companies operating import and export related businesses as I was engaged in Tokyo for 20 years.  Himeji is one of the small cities in the western part of Japan, so the environment doesn't attract such businesses.

There is not much job opportunities that requires English for a middle aged woman in a countryside like me.  Anyway, I found another topic to write about for our lessons.  How about changing the topic to "What I love about my current work?"  I am more comfortable with this topic.

I started working again as a caregiver trainee earlier this month.   I would like to express ten ways of reasons why I love my current work.

No. 1)  By visiting each individual patients' house by bike, I get to have my daily dose of exercise.  I get to learn my way around the area.  I found a convenience store located near one of my patients' house.  They sell fresh doughnuts, and I love them.

No. 2) Cooking meals for our patients is one of the services that I need to do, and because of this I learn how to cook new dishes again.  This is very challenging for me because I only cook dishes that I like at home.   

No. 3)  My grandmother used to take care of me when I was a small child.  I was very sad when she passed away when I was in my early 20s.  By providing services to elderly people, I am able to express my gratitude to my grandmother.

No. 4)  In Japan, we will have more elderly people in the near future.  Caregivers are greatly needed.  We even ask the help of Filipino and Indonesian nurses.  Working as a caregiver trainee, I am able to offer what little help I can.

No. 5)  Cleaning the patients' houses are also a part of my job.  I have to learn how to effectively manage my time because I need to finish everything within 60 minutes or so.  It gives me a chance to think how I can save time to do my house chores as well.   

No. 6)  Being a caregiver is very much in demand nowadays because of Japan's aging society.  Therefore, I will be assured of a job as long as I do it well. 

No. 7)  We have to visit our office sometimes to submit reports about our patients.  We are also required to participate in the meetings.  By doing this, we can make friends with our colleagues, and we can exchange opinions about work.

No. 8)  When our family or relatives are getting old, they may face health or mental problems.   By doing this job, we will be more prepared on.

No. 9)  Some patients are living alone and really waiting for our visit.  Some of them say "Thank you for your service today."  It makes me happy that I can be of help in my own little way.

No. 10)  Lastly, by providing services during my spare time, I can earn money to my hobbies.  I like to pay my monthly tuition to RareJob from my salary because I feel better when I talk to my tutors because they are good listeners.  I also helps me to improve my English.

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