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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

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Thank you!

Nov 25, 2013

My birds

I currently live with my husband and three pet birds.

Tsuru-chan, a cock budgerigar, was brought to my place, a small apartment house located in Tokyo in July 2002.  I lived alone and felt lonliness after losing another budgerigar, who lived with 7 years.

I named him Tsuru, which means cranes in Japanese language.  In Japanese old saying, they are thought to be one of the animals which brings good luck.  You may think it is ridiculous, but there is an old Japanese saying that "Tortoise are said to live as long as ten thousands years, and cranes are said to live as long as one thousand years."  You may think that is ridiculous, but I named after so because this time I want him to live as long as he can.  In fact, when he came I felt loneliness after losing another budgerigar. 

Now he is 10 years old.  Since budgerigars's life expectancy is said to be 7 or 8 years, he is getting very old.  I placed a pet heater at the end of October, and noticed nowadays he is always staying close to the orange-colored pet heater.

Now in late in November, even his cage is located at south part of our 2nd floor, the temperature is  17 degrees at noon.  Bugerigar's body temparature is said to be around 42 degrees, a pet heater is "a must item" for an old bird like Tsuru.  In cold temperature, older birds often lose appetite, which resulted in dying so easily.

I found a hen cockatiel in a large petshop in Osaka, and bought her in February 2007.  According to her birth certificate, she is classified as "white-face cinamon(-cheek) pearl pied "was born to her parents (cock:      hen:     )  to a breeder in Hyogo Prefecture on July 14, 2006. 

My husband bought our third bird, P-chan, a cock budgerigar at a home center in our neighborhood in September 2012.  P-chan is very similar in color to Tsuru-chan.  But he has more white color all over his body.  He is young and so active, so he lives alone in his cage. 

They are just like our important family members. 

Last month, I realized Tsuru-chan has difficulty in one of his legs.  He hides one leg's finger tips all the time these days. 


Tsuru-chan didn't like Pearl, but liked her's bigger cage, so I let him use to live together in the bigger cage until last week.  He acted strong and when he lived with the cockatiel, which is bigger than budgerigar, in one cage, since he is an old-comer to our house.

I thought this way is better because he acts strong, but I tried separating him from Pearl last Saturday.   I prepared another cage for him.

Now he lives alone, looks weaker, but relaxed all alone.

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