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I quit RareJob lessons at the end of August, 2016. It was my 3rd anniversary of taking lessons. I thought it was enough because I am getting older and I don't expect any job opportunity with English related. We don't have any foreign neigbors in the countryside.

I have already uploaded many pictures up to now. I feel it takes me quite a lot of time to upload another pictures, so I started writing another diary.

My new blog address is

Thank you!

Nov 6, 2013

One day bus tour to Daisen & Hiruzen (1)

My husband and I visited Hiruzen in Okayama Prefecture and Daisen in Tottori Prefecture last Monday, November 4th.

The previous day, Sunday, November 3rd, was a national holiday, so the next day, Monday was a substitute holiday; and my husband had a day off from his work.  We took advantage of it and participated in a "one day bus tour." 

We live in Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, which is located in the western part of Japan.  The picture below shows a map where we live.

Our bus departed in front of Himeji Station at 7:50 a.m.  We drove about 3 hours before we reached Yonago, Tottori Prefecture.  It was about 200 kilometers north west from Himeji.   
As well as some 15-minute short breaks, we had three destinations in this tour.
The first destination was Kanbano Taki Waterfalls in Okayama Prefecture.
We found a small shop on the way to the waterfalls.  They sell ice cream and sweet snacks.
We found this board some places.  It says "Please don't feed monkeys.  Our staff feeds them regularly, so you don't have to feed them any extra food.  Please refrain from eating while you are walking.  If they see you eating, they may take the food that you are eating.  And also please don't carry stacks, ice cream, and some fruit in this park."
They actually show the photos of the monkeys with their nicknames.  They also shows which is the boss and their age.

Unfortunately upon unboarding on the bus, it started raining.  Good thing that we brought an umbrella which helped us a lot not to get wet by the rain.

The road was slippery, so we walked carefully and slowly.

When we found a small waterfall, we started to get excited.

But when we reached and saw a bigger waterfall, more people got excited and interested with the scenery.

My picture below shows that I was tired after seeing and walking through the waterfalls

After watching the waterfalls, we rode on the bus and headed to the place where we will eat lunch. 
I was hungry and I was glad to see many kinds of dishes.

The place where we ate lunch was originally an amusement park.  We didn't have enough time to ride any of their roller coasters this time. 

Would you please correct my senteces below?  Thank you!
We had a chance to visit this amusement park back in May 2012, one and a half year before.
We stayed in a resort hotel for a whole week, and came here by electric bikes at that time.  (It was not motor cycles, but it was a bicycle with some electric power on them.)  There are some slopes around, and it was easy to go up the slopes.

Please click here to this continued story.

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